It’s always such a relief to see the end of January.
The true winter lovers out there will be heckling me, but when the short month of February is over, you can almost taste spring coming on.I look forward to trails drying up and roads getting swept.It’s still a long ways off, but distantly within sight.Not that I’m not enjoying the snow. Downhill skiing has been a blast this year. I am now at the back, watching my son and his friends find everything that resembles a jump in the trees and along the edges of the runs.
They compare air time while I just try to get to the bottom before they’re on their way back up.
The skate skiing has been beautiful as well but, again, it depends on who you go with as to how skilled you feel. When I go with some friends, I feel like the fittest and most graceful skier on the trails.When I go with my husband or faster friends, I suddenly feel like every step is a struggle and I flounder more than glide.

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